Nowadays, Joy of living is the joy of giving time to oneself. Spending at least 10min for himself with no stress and worries for his betterment is becoming very rare, we do multiple tasks at a time and we don't simply sit to relax we take up smartphones out to detox our mind again.
A day doesn't have only 24 hrs to spend but has more than 24 issues to deal with.
We are INDIVIDUALS living "our" lives under pressure and pleasure associating with the external factors.
Being an individual we all have a tendency to explore the meaning of LIFE in our own way where actually clashes between internal aspiration and external thoughts arise.
For example, our internal aspiration says us to eat 2 rotis for daily breakfast as a part of a healthy diet with some fresh green vegetables, but our external environment will make us eat what is served by our family or canteens or we end up eating fast foods as we don't have time to cook our own food. Here, you can't compromise with your internal aspiration of being healthy and even blame the environment that serving you food because,
If YOU are not capable of making things of your wish, who else will make it happen for you ???
This statement will repeat in every other issue of your life because you cannot force anyone to make things happen for you, you are solely responsible for your well being and every other individual have the same aspiration like you, they are not your slaves to obey your dictatorship.
So, the solution resides in mutual understanding and adjustment with the balance of mutual respect on each other's aspirations and not by ruling each other or blaming and ordering.
[Predict] ≠ [React]
We cannot predict the circumstances that arise but surely We can decide the way we react to it.
Life is not a daily routine to be in the same way as days before or years, it is a reality where we need to accept the reality and adapt ourselves for every situation that comes along the way.
I'd like to narrate a short story of Devadatta, who is a monk who stays in one place for about 30 days and travels to the next place where the path takes him.

When he was residing in Jnanasagh a cow came near his tent where it usually used to graze. He called the cow and fed bananas and sweet, the next day cow directly came to his tent, again he fed the same with sweats, mangoes and all...
This routine repeated for about 29 days now its Devadatta's last day in Jnanasagara and he packed his tent, clothes, utensils and served cow with leftover uncooked rice and left. Next day cow came, Devadatta was not there, the cow did not burst into tears may be it felt sad, :o

Cow adapted itself for the way it used to be before. Days passed, months rolled, Cow didn't died with starvation or went to depression. It didn't cry alone by recollecting the memories it had with him. On the other side, Devadatta resided in next city fed old people and found that place very much attached resided there more than a month and led his life.

At the end of each story, so many questions arise and opinion differs because each of us thinks in a different way and stick to our own vision, here we can't argue who is right or who is wrong or even we cannot change our opinions or change other opinions too.
because we know these famous lines
"some people enjoy the coffee and many will just drink it"
or as Bob says "some will dance in the rain many will just get wet"
Its all about of being yourself and enjoying your own company and living life as the way it comes.
Things to note are:
1) Seeing only good in every aspect
2) Adapting ourselves to each scenario
3) Making adjustment with internal thoughts and external choices
In life believing is important for living and hoping for "what all happened has happened for GOOD" is the mind mastery.
This whole universe is a big knot of interdependence, attachments and worries. There is no way or one can say that one is completely detached or deny having any attachment. Nor can one say that they have no part in it. One may be a loner and independent in his inner world (of mind).
But to the outer world, he still has to participate a player . It is best to lead the life accepting this fact.
" A cow may attach to only food..
But man have his own ಭಾವನೆಗಳು, ನಂಬಿಕೆ..etc.which make him to suffer..
I think there is no one to say ' I have mastered completely over mind' the waves in every walks of life..churns ,
Still more to explain and talk.. but ... I think you know better than me...
- sanchari☺
Really nice.. keep on writing
"it is a reality where we need to accept the reality and adapt ourselves for every situation that comes along the way"...☺👌
ReplyDeleteReading the same things again and again in different walks of life..give us a new insight.
Don't know why have you stopped writing?? May be a busy schedule.
Keep writing...